Trench Shoring

Trench Shoring Hire & Sales

Trench shoring systems

Trench Shoring Hire & Sales


Every construction site has specific challenges that need to be mastered. However, the requirements of a shoring system are always strict in terms of providing safety, having a minimal impact on the soil outside the shoring, and allowing as much working space as possible. For over 70 years, our E+S and KRINGS brand shoring systems have provided cost-effective technical processing solutions with due regard to safety aspects for numerous civil engineering projects, both domestically and on overseas markets.


terra infrastructure is among the world’s best-known providers of trench shoring. We offer a wide range of trench shoring equipment and supplementary products. Our portfolio also includes temporary construction site roads made of steel or plastic. For the latter we additionally provide installation services.

For many construction projects, it is more economical to hire the shoring system. Our extensive range of rental equipment means we can always provide our customers with a suitable system, even for large-scale projects.



Our E+S linear shoring offers a wide range of applications as single and double slide rail or stepped variants up to 9 m or 12 m with the deep linear shoring systems. Our technical advice ensures that the most economical product is always used in the most economical combination.

With E+S linear shoring, rigid bogie cars keep the soldiers and thus the shoring panels at an equal distance. Everything stays linearly aligned, always at the same distance from the opposite side, ensuring more effective, faster, and noticeably more cost-effective operations. A major advantage of the system is derived from the special design of the soldiers, as it allows the shoring panels to be pivoted in from the side.

Our innovative trench end shoring bogie car can handle both the compressive forces exerted from the long sides of the trench shoring and the pressure from the front, which means the sheet piles can now lean directly against the bogie car and the pressure is transferred to the shoring.

The E+S linear shoring system can be used as formwork for in-situ concrete and installed with low vibrations, minimizing the impact on the surrounding soil. Existing buildings and traffic flow thus remain largely unimpaired.


  • Low-vibration installation
  • Very little impact on the ground outside the shoring
  • No impairment of buildings or traffic flow
  • Flexible pipe culvert heights, plenty of working space
  • Large widths and depths realisable
  • Suitable as formwork for cast-in-situ concrete
  • Highly suitable for manholes
  • “Open” guidance of the panels prevents them from being jammed with soil
  • Shoring panels are pivoted in from outside to avoid any working at height
  • Available for operated rental with or without excavator as required

 Click here to see a video of the slide rail system in action



The box systems from E+S offer a safe and economical shoring solution for demanding construction projects. Outstanding performance factors include a shoring wall height of up to six meters with a pipe clearance height of up to 2.46 meters. The strong E+S spreading systems can cover large widths and are compatible with each other.


Our edge-supported shoring systems from KRINGS are particularly versatile. They take up very little space during storage and transport. Assembly on the construction site is very simple and quick.

The small steel box KVL is ideally suited for inner-city areas, the stable KS 60 is recommended for inner-city sewer construction measures, and the KS 100 is used at greater depths.

With the KVL box, the spindles developed for the KS 60 and KS 100 boxes can also be used by means of an adapter solution. By using these spindles and spacers, the possible trench width of the KVL can be further increased.

Download the technical specifications and view informative vidoes by clicking on the links below


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For More Information Call: (+44) 01789 292227

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